Thursday, March 18, 2010

Anything and Talk

Just the other day, I was done with my gym and was on my way back home. There is this narrow street just before my house. I saw a lady coming in the opposite direction. Her head was tilted 65 degrees to her right and she appeared to be shouting something. I was just wondering why she would shout at me because neither did I know her nor was I attempting to hurt her in any way. Suddenly she started waving, like she was showing her disapproval of something. I was dumbstruck at this moment due to this strange behaviour. Then a thought of intelligence appeared in my mind...ah off course, the lady must be a little bit mentally challenged. One finds many of them roaming the roads. That thought seemed to explain the behaviour , but !!!!! What sent that theory for a toss was that for a mentally retarded person, she was too well dressed and was holding a costly purse in her hands.

Not till she walked real close to me and straight past me, continuing her shouting and waving, that I discovered the truth. She was talkin on a mobile phone !!!!!! She was pulling out some documents from the purse that's why the mobile handset was placed between her neck and shoulder causing the tilt of the head !!! But off course, I should have known that before. I mean it's such a common sight nowadays to "grip" the handset that way and talk, especially when one is driving a vehicle and talking at the same time.Another such weird incident of this kind happened in a washrooom of a from behind a closed toilet, i could hear not just the sound of flushing but actual details of a business proposal !!!!! what a place and time for a business proposal !!!!

One mobile company preaches the idea of "Walk and Talk" to improve your health and fitness (while still increasing their revenue while you do that !!!). Well people have already taken this idea to heart long back and even extended it. The "Talk" part remains constant while the "Walk" is inter-changeable with "Drive","Drink","Eat" and what not....Most common being the "Drive and Talk". I guess when you are driving then it gives the "mobile" phone the real mobility factor !! I have seen people suddenly start shouting at traffic signals , frightening the mortals surrounding them. People are startled till they find out it's only a phone call that is being attended. You get to know about what relatives of people are doing OR when are people's friends planning a party OR how much someone owes somebody. You just need to be close to this "XXX and Talk" person to know this.

Then their are people who are talking hands-free with their blue tooth ear-pieces/headsets. Well these people atleast look more normal than the ones who cramp the handset between neck and shoulder !! Observe these people closely. They always seem to be looking into the oblivion, totally lost in their "mobile" worlds. The emotions on the face nearly always suggests that they are attending the most important call in the world. The hand waving also takes place many a time adding to the drama. All this looks very funny particularly when you are unaware and somebody suddenly starts the "Talk".

Moral of the story being you can talk on a mobile at almost any place , any time and most importantly while doing absolutely anything...."Anything and Talk" !!!

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